Development history
30 Nguyen Du Building - Ha Noi
30 Nguyen Du Building - Ha Noi
- 2/11/1961: Light Industry Design Institute was founded under the Prime Ministers decision.
- 1969: Foodstuff and Food Design Institute – Ministry of Food and Foodstuff was founded from a part of Foodstuff Administration and Design Institute - Ministry of Light Industry.
- 1982: Foodstuff and Food Design Institute was spitted into 2 institutes:
- Food Design Institute under Ministry of Food.
- Foodstuff Industry Design Institute under Ministry of Foodstuff Industry.
- 1987: Foodstuff Agro-Industry Design Institute under Ministry of Foodstuff Agro-Industry was founded by merging 2 Institutes: Food Design Institute and Foodstuff Industrial Design Institute.
- 1993: Consulting, Designing and Investment Service Company – Ministry of Industry was founded from merging Light Industry Design Institute and Foodstuff Industry Design Institute.
- Transaction name as INFISCO officially has been used since then.
- 22/12/2004: Consulting, Designing and Investment Service Joint Stock Company (INFISCO) was formed from 100% shareholders-owned capital after being transacted from a state-owned enterprise into a joint stock company.
- The brand name of the company has been growing continuously in the course of its development history. The professional skills for consulting, survey, design activities have been formed from time to time.
+ 1993-1996: No.1422CNn-CTLD dated 14/12/1993.
+ 1997-1999: No. 537/QD-TCCB dated 14/4/1997.
+ 2000-2003: No. 2272/QD-TCCB dated 3/8/2000.
- Construction Consultancy Practice No.64/BXD-CSXD dated 04/5/1999 issued by the Ministry of Construction.
- Foreign Investment Consultancy Practice as the first issue in Vietnam No. 01/CCHN dated 25/7/1997 issued by the Ministry of Planning and Investment.
- Business Licence in power field No.2993/GP-BCN dated 11/11/2004 issued by the Ministry of Industry.
- Since then, INFISCO originated from the Design Institute involved in light industry, food and foodstuff industry assigned by the line ministry, now INFISCO has implemented lots of projects located in different parts of Vietnam and neighbouring countries. Featured projects of various businesses completed by INFISCO ranged from dozens to hundred millions US dollars.
- Continuous generations of INFISCO are proud of glorious traditions of the company. With extensive business achievements, INFISCO was awarded level III Labour Medal and other rewards.
Ngày đăng: 25/12/2017
Development history